28 Abban Street Inverness, IV3 8HH
Tel. 01463 233797 or 223218 Scottish Charity No. SC010352
Lent Study Sessions 2024
The Lent Study sessions will be based upon Archbishop Stephen Cottrell's 2022 book Godforsaken. The sessions begin on Thursday 29th February and will run every Thursday for four weeks, starting at 14.30 and lasting roughly an hour. We will meet alternately in the church hall or the Lady Chapel. It is not necessary to have bought the book, but bring along a Bible if you can. A summary of each section will be provided as a basis for the discussion.
Stations of the Cross 2024
Stations of the Cross will be observed from Wednesday 21st February until the Wednesday of Holy Week, starting at 19.30 in the church. All are welcome.
Supporting children in Ukraine
Our very own Calum Macritchie is running a marathon in October to raise funds for the charity Children's Ministry Ukraine.
You can support him by going to his JustGiving page:
St Michael and All Angels' Summer Fling
This will be held on Saturday 17th June from 12.00 to 15.00 in the rectory garden. There is no charge for entry but teas are £3.00. All the usual stalls will be present e.g. bottles, baking, produce, bric-a-brac. There will also be a raffle and games to enjoy. A good occasion and all are welcome.
Stations of the Resurrection
At 7.30pm, on the Wednesdays between Easter and Pentecost, we will be observing the 'Stations of the Resurrection'. These are similar to the 'Stations of the Cross' in structure, and involve the journey from Easter to Pentecost, using images of the resurrection appearances of Jesus. All are welcome.
Stations of the Cross 2023
On Wednesday evenings during Lent there will be a short service of around 45 minutes focussed around the 14 Stations of the Cross which we have in our church building. The Stations will be led by a different person each week and will draw upon a variety of material prepared in different traditions for Lent 2023. The Stations will commence at 7pm. All are welcome.
Pastoral Care Training 2023
Father Iain is leading 4 sessions for those from the Inverness City Episcopal Churches who have expressed an interest in being part of an enlarged pastoral care team. These all commence at around 19.45 on the dates below and conclude around 21.00. Meetings are held in the small hall at the side of the church. Topics to be covered are as follows:
Wednesday 1st March 2023
Boundaries and why we need them - the Drama Triangle; Competence, Capability, Capacity; Implicit and explicit contracts
Wednesday 8th March 2023
Listening as the single most important element of pastoral care; what prevents effective listening; what enables effective listening; the listening environment; a safe model of listening
Wednesday 15th March 2023
Listening in the context of bereavement; the grief process; William Worden - the four tasks of mourning; Stroebe and Schutt - a dual process model of grieving
Wednesday 22nd March 2023
Looking after ourselves; back to boundaries; pastoral supervision; reflective practice; an introduction to values-based reflective practice
All are welcome.
Some forthcoming events this autumn 2022
29th September - Michaelmas with a gift weekend
Patronal Festival Mass at 19.30
Guest Preacher Revd Dr Hamilton Indabas
Priest in charge at St John's Church, Forres
2nd October - Harvest Festival, with congregational lunch following Mass
28th October - Angel drive
17th November at 14.00, knitting group
(and fortnightly thereafter)
25th November - Poetry night
27th November - Choral Evensong
Corpus Christi is a festival which dates back to the medieval church of the 13th and 14th centuries. It celebrates the institution and gift of the eucharist, and is traditionally held on the Thursday after Trinity Sunday.
Corpus Christi, Thursday 16th June 2022 at 19.30
Spring musical concert, Friday 27th May 2022
We are holding a musical concert on Friday 27th May in the church at 19.00. This will feature a variety of performances. Refreshments will be available afterwards. The proceeds of the concert will be shared between St Michael and All Angels and the Ukraine Crisis Appeal. Tickets are £10, with admission for under 12s free.
Services in Holy Week 2022
Monday 11th April, 19.30, Stations of the Cross
Tuesday 12th April, 19.30, Stations of the Cross
Wednesday13th April, 19.30, Stations of the Cross
Thursday 14th April, 19.30, Start of Triduum: Mass with foot washing, stripping of the altars and vigil at the altar of repose
Friday 15th April, 19.30, Adoration of the Cross and Holy Communion from the altar of repose
Sunday 17th April, 06.00, First Mass of Easter with the blessing of the Fire, Preparation of the Paschal Candle and Renewal of Baptismal Vows
11.00, Second Mass of Easter
Daffodil tea 2022
We are holding a daffodil tea on Saturday 12th March from 13.00 to 16.00 in the small hall adjoining the church. We hope to have a baking and produce stall, and a bottle stall and a small raffle.
Ash Wednesday 2022
We mark the beginning of Lent and Ash Wednesday with our Mass here at 19.30 on Wednesday 2nd March. The Mass will include the imposition of ashes.
Stations of the Cross 2022
We plan to have "Stations of the Cross" at St Michael's at 19.30 on Wednesday evenings during Lent.
For 6 weeks during Lent, we will have an opportunity to study Christian spirituality and mysticism based on A Course in Christian Mysticism by the highly influential 20th century Franco-American Trappist monk Thomas Merton. Merton is renowned for his work on Christian spirituality and social justice, as well as his work on far Eastern spiritualities and native American Indian spiritualities.
The sessions will take place at the Diocesan house on Kenneth Street in Inverness and will run from 14.00 to 16.00 on Wednesday afternoons. They will led by Revd Ellie Charman from St John's and assisted by Dr Brian Marshall from St Michael's in Inverness.
Topics are as follows:
Wednesday 2nd March,
Mysticism and Contemplation
Wed 9th March,
Martyrs and Gnostics
Wed 16th March,
Divinisation and Mysticism
Wed 23rd March,
Orthodox Mysticism
Wed 30th March,
Western Mysticism with St Augustine
Wed 6th April,
European Mysticism
All are welcome.
Lent study afternoons 2022
Christian spirituality and mysticism
These will take place each Saturday in Lent, commencing on the 5th of March. The walks will be at a gentle pace and last approximately 45 minutes. We will walk in silence and stop at various places to pray. Walks will commence from the Cathedral car park at 14.30, and we will return to the Cathedral Cafe to enjoy a hot drink and fellowship. All are welcome. Anyone wishing further details or to sign up should contact the Rev Margaret Massey (
Prayer walks around Ness islands 2022
Knitting Group
Meetings of the joint knitting group with members from St John's church resumed on Tuesday 18th January 2022 at 2 pm in the small hall beside the church of St Michael and All Angels.